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Dear Sir or Madam...

The John Lennon Series
by Jude Southerland Kessler

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Reference Library: Sean's Birthdate

From: (Bill Shoemaker)
Subject: For May Pang
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 14:55:14 GMT

May was with John until early Feb. 1975. Sean was born on October 9, 1975. According to my arithmetic, that's roughly an eight month span.

Keep in mind the Lennons were having great difficulty conceiving, and that Yoko had had, since 1968, at least one miscarriage.

At the time, I remember John saying something to the effect of "people said Yoko had a caesarian so Sean could be born on my birthday-that it was a publicity stunt. That isn't true. It was just a coincidence" (another thing to keep in mind: who asked him?).

Considering that Sean wasn't due for another month (minimum), COULD Sean's birth on Oct. 9th have been contrived, either out of sentiment, or because the numbers or stars were right? Interesting thought, if I do say so myself...


From: (Roger Smith)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 14:55:14 GMT

Considering Yoko's age and her earlier problems, the doctors probably planned a cesarean delivery as soon as it was safe for the baby. In that case. John and Yoko would have been able to schedule the delivery.


From: (edward s. chen)
Date: 27 Jun 1994 23:15:53 GMT

As has been stated repeatedly, Sean was *not* born on October the ninth by the decision of either John or Yoko. In Yoko's case, trouble loomed, and attempts at natural delivery failed, so a C-section became necessary. Such operations are quite tricky, and nothing to fool around with.

According to an esteemed rmb'er who has been through the birthing process recently, standard procedure in such problem pregnancies is to induce labor, and if delivery does not start within 24 hours, surgery is performed. For Sean, that would mean he would likely have been born on the Eighth of October, the resulting C-section delaying him one day and causing the common birthdate with his father.


From: (MPang)
Date: 28 Jun 1994 00:36:01 -0400

To say that Yoko or John planned the date, I cannot say. But I do know that Yoko was in the hospital a few days before the birth of Sean and I was told that her doctor said she should have this baby by C-section because of her age & past miscarriages.

May Pang


From: (Roger Smith)
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 14:14:41 GMT

Oh, I didn't mean to say that John wasn't telling the truth when he said it was a coincidence. I just wanted to make the point that the early delivery isn't unusual in case like Yoko's. I was refuting the idea that John and Yoko may have somehow put Yoko and Sean in danger just to have the child born on October 9.


From: (Brett Pasternack)
Date: 29 Jun 94 00:36:10 -0500

Or, alternatively, May has her dates wrong. Or, John and Yoko concieved Sean while John and May's relationship was still "intact", whatever that means.

I just checked two Lennon bios--Jon Weiner's excellent "Come Together" and Anthony Fawcett's "One Day At A Time"--and both seem to agree that John moved back in with Yoko in mid-January, 1975. Which would mean that Sean was not necessarily premature.

At any rate, especially given Yoko's problems, I find it inconcievable that John and Yoko would voluntarily decide to deliver the baby by Caesarian a month before it was due. I should also note that John has repeatedly complained in interviews about the Caesarian, saying that he and Yoko had planned and prepared for a natural childbirth, and about the hospital personnel in general.


From: (Robert Schneider)
Date: 30 Jun 1994 17:45:38 GMT

As the mother of a 6-mo-old, I also want to add that nobody in their right mind would purposly deliver a baby one month before the due date, because there are too many possibilities of complications (i.e., the lungs not being fully developed, etc). If that baby is at risk, that is another story.

Lynn (posting from my husband's net account)


From: (MPang)
Date: 2 Jul 1994 15:43:01 -0400 (Brett Pasternack) writes:

"I just checked two Lennon bios--Jon Weiner's excellent "Come Together" and Anthony Fawcett's "One Day At A Time"--and both seem to agree that John moved back in with Yoko in mid-January, 1975. Which would mean that Sean was not necessarily premature."

Anthony Fawcett was once John & Yoko's ass't. He stole some clothes from John after he was fired by them and then he tried to sell it back to them. When John saw Anthony in LA, John grabbed him by the balls and was not too pleased to see him. I remembered when he wrote about John's LA time, I thought to myself, he wasn't there with us except for the one incident. How would both authors know when John left except for me. John and I were together in Florida with Julian for Xmas. We then saw Bowie during the Young American LP in January. I've known over the years that most info were obtained through interviews I've given before and after my book (ie recordings, Phil Spector) No one even knew of such incidences until I mentioned them in interviews.

For the record, how did the rumor start that John and Yoko got back together after the Elton concert in November? And more specifically, that it was the 1st time that they had seen each other since their split. Not quite.

This may be petty but it is my life under a microscope. Put yourself in my shoes.

May Pang


From: (Kozinn)
Date: 3 Jul 1994 19:12:01 -0400

May -- The rumor about John and Yoko getting back together after the Elton concert, and about not having seen each other til then, came about because it's what John said -- more than once, I believe -- during that final run of radio interviews at the time of Double Fantasy. Actually, in at least one of those interviews, Yoko tells her side of it too, which I think was that Elton arranged for her to have tickets so that they could have a reunion after the performance. In the interviews, John painted it as a big romantic scene -- but then the chronology gets very blurry: the next thing we know, really, is thata they were together by the time of the Carter inaugural (photos...) in Jan.75. I'm not saying that the J&Y Official Version is necessary right and that yours is necessarily wrong -- you asked how the rumor got started, and so far as I can tell, that's how.


From: (Donz5)
Date: 4 Jul 1994 02:51:03 -0400 (Kozinn) writes:

"the next thing we know, really, is thata they were together by the time of the Carter inaugural (photos...) in Jan.75"

One problem with YOUR chronology: Carter wasn't even elected until November 1976. The inauguration photo is from January 20, 1977, over 2 years after the MSG gig.


From: (Kozinn)
Date: 4 Jul 1994 07:21:03 -0400

Whoops. I even voted for him. Shows you what begins to happen when you get to my age. Still, the point was the stuff in the Lennon interviews, which is actually what he said. Allan


From: (Bill Shoemaker)
Date: 4 Jul 1994 22:34:38 GMT

For the record, how did the rumor start that John and Yoko got back together after the Elton concert in November? And more specifically, that it was the 1st time that they had seen each other since their split. Not quite. This may be petty but it is my life under a microscope. Put yourself in my shoes.

May Pang

May, if you're the one asking about how the rumor started, it was John himself who said it. Probably in the RKO interview (taped the night of his death) or the BBC interview a few days earlier. It was repeated in the "Lost Lennon Tapes."

I'm not saying you're wrong. Actually, considering that your story, and Rick Sklar's story (in his book, "Rocking America") are completely different and more believable, I'm more inclined to believe your version than John's. His is just too perfect not to have been "romanticized" a little bit.

And they call Paul a revisionist. Jeez...

Bill Shoemaker


From: (MPang)
Subject: Re: May Pang
Date: 6 Jul 1994 01:04:03 -0400

Thank you all for clearing up the rumor. But I think this time John got his date wrong. He didn't return to the Dakota until the 1st week of February.

Elton did not arrange for the tickets although I wouldn't be surprised if his office took care of our request. John and I asked Tony King (Gen. Mgr. for Apple) to make sure Yoko had tickets because she wanted them after WE TOLD her of John's upcoming appearance. She even mentioned to Tony King where she wanted to sit in the audience. Also, John & Elton were each given a single flower corsage before the show by Yoko. In fact, in some photos you can see it on John. My point is the only people surprised at John's appearance was the audience.

Food for thought.....If John & Yoko got back together after the Elton Show then how is it possible that John & I went to Orlando (DisneyWorld) with Julian for Xmas of 1974. I was also with John when "Fame" was created in January 1975. My book does give the chronological order of our life and it was NEVER challenged or disputed.

I think enough has been said of this matter.

May Pang

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