Reference Library: Anthology Pre-history
From: Richard@utopiasw.demon.co.uk (Richard Hanson)
Subject: Re: Anthology-What is it?
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 1995 22:24:35 GMT
jamie@ink.org (Jameson Swain) wrote:
I have a quick question.
What is anthology, and where can I get it when it comes out?
"Anthology" is the name of a film and album that the Beatles intended
to make in 1967. This project was abandoned, and the Beatles released
"Magical Mystery Tour" instead. The whole "Anthology" idea has been
keep quiet because the Beatles later disowned the whole project. Now,
however, there are plans to reissue this material.
To give you a little background information:-
"Anthology" derives from the phrase "Ant Hology", and the project was
so named because in 1967 Ringo had become very interested in ants as a
hobby. Ringo had several big glass cases containing ants' nests, and
he would show his intriguing ant collection to everyone who visited
his home. The other Beatles also procured their own ant colonies, and
George boasted a special ant's nest containing Asian ants, which he
had bought whilst the Beatles were in India.
George Martin, the Beatles' producer, later described this stage in
the Beatles development as their "Ants and Awful Wordplay" period, and
he generally tried to persuade the Beatles that the project wasn't
For two months, however, the Beatles devoted most of their time to the
"Anthology" project. At one point, they decided to change their name
from "the Beatles" to "the Ants", and John said in an interview, "I
have always liked ants, ask Mimi." In the same interview, John caused
some controversy when he remarked, "Ants are more popular than Jesus
now; I don't know which will go first - ants or Christianity." A few
days later John apologised, and said that he merely meant that there
were many more ants in the world than Christians. Paul started to
wander around barefoot because he said that he felt this gave him an
affinity with all the ants below ground. "Anyway sandals get smelly,"
he added whimsically.
Some friends said that the Beatles (alias the Ants) were under the
influence of drugs, particularly when it was announced that the
Beatles were re-recording some of their famous songs to adapt their
lyrics to the Beatles' new theme of ant-ism. The Beatles re-recorded
the following tracks:
"I Want To Hold Your Ant"
"Ant, Buy Me Love"
the demonstrative "You, Ant, Do That!"
"Ant, I Love Her"
the eerie "Ant Naturally"
"Ant Time At All"
"Ant (Go To Him)"
"I'll Cry Insect"
They also recorded a new song which has never been officially
"Where's The Nest Mary Jane?"
Finally the Beatles unanimously decided to scrap the whole project.
"The end was probably in sight," said Ringo, "when one day I got stung
several times by the little bug***s. A week later, after some more
incidents, I chucked them all out of my house into my garden, which is
just where they belong."
Now it seems that "Anthology" may still see the light of day after
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