Performance at the Litherland Town Hall, Liverpool.
'Please Please Me' LP number 1, 19th week (UK Record Retailer chart).
Marriage of Clive John Epstein and Barbara Mattison, at the Greenbank Drive Synagogue, Liverpool. Brian is best man.
Concert at the Memorial Hall, Nantwich.
Concert at the Civic Arena, Pittsburgh.
Brian returns to the USA, to attend the end of the Beatles' tour.
It is announced that Brian will soon record his first LP, with readings from 'A Cellarful Of Noise'. The press informs that a Beatles record and some other contemporary objects currently in fashion will be buried under the New York Universal Exposition for future civilizations.
George and Pattie fly to India, on vacation.
'Yellow Submarine', 6th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart). 'Eleanor Rigby', 6th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).
'Hey Jude', 3rd week in the Top 30 (Billboard).
Tony Palmer produces the TV programme 'All My Loving' for the BBC, with interviews and performances of the Beatles.
Performance of Paul, Wings, Crickets (Jerry Allison, Joe B. Mauldin, Sonny Curtis), Albert Lee, Bob Montgomery, Rick Gretch, Don Everly, in London, for the Buddy Holly Week.