From: (EgwEimi)
Subject: Beatles on Cassette (US)
Date: 18 Feb 1995 17:07:33 -0500
A History of Beatles Cassettes--Winner of the Tape War
The technology for the cassette (or compact cassette) is based on the
simplest premise: make the reel to reel tape smaller. The cassette was
introduced to the Capitol records buying market after the four track,
eight track, and Playtape, but the format was being developed
simultaneously to the others. The Philips company is chiefly responsible
for the cassette tape, meant as competition with the other formats.
The four track and eight track were directed at music to be played in
automobiles, replacing the nasty "singles player" and reel tape player.
But the cassette was at first deemed unsuitable for music, due to its slow
speed of 1 7/8 inches per second. No reel to reel tapes featuring music
were issued at 1 7/8 ips, and the cassette had a smaller bandwidth. But
it came into use for voice recording. The microcassettes still used today
for dictation were once a leading purpose of the cassette tape.
As the sixties progressed, strides were made to make the cassette
"listenable." By 1967, some companies were issuing cassettes as an
alternative to four tracks and eight tracks. By 1968, most major record
companies, including Capitol, were buying in. Capitol seems to have been
somewhat tentative at first, making only 25 of its best-selling titles
available on cassette. Nat King Cole, the Beach Boys, and of course, The
Beatles were among the artists selected to indroduce the public to Capitol
cassettes. Within a year, the cassette was beginning to establish itself.
While it is often true that early pressings of albums have better sound
quality than reissues, the early cassettes were recorded at lower volumes
(meaning greater tape hiss) and apparently did not have as long a life as
the cassettes we have today. The advent of noise reduction (Dolby A, B, C)
and the use of Chrome and Iron ("metal") bases allowed the tapes to
increase their dynamic range, to the point where eventually the cassette
overtook the l.p. in sales. By 1983, the cassette was the only tape
format available to retail consumers. In approximately twenty years, the
cassette had gone from being "unlistenable" to being the only remaining
tape format out of all those introduced in the fifties and sixties.
What follows is a listing of original Beatles/solo cassettes issued
up to the time of Let It Be.
Family Way Soundtrack (P) London LKX 57136 (1967)
snap-open plastic box with "cover" affixed
Sgt. Pepper's LHCB Capitol 4XT 2653
Rubber Soul Capitol 4XT 2442
Revolver Capitol 4XT 2576
The above three Capitol cassettes were three of the first 25
cassettes issued by Capitol. The cover/inserts state merely
"cassette" under the Capitol logo. In order to avoid confusion
(since mono was still an option), future issues and reissues of
these tapes read "Stereo Cassette" on the front cover. The first
issue cover/inserts also list all 25 of Capitol's available
Hard Day's Night United Artists K-9006
white shell; label features boxed UA logo. Cassette comes in
slide-out box. The UA cassettes contain an extended version of
the title song.
Meet the Beatles Capitol 4XT 2047
Two Virgins (J) Apple/Tetragrammaton TNX-55001
paper "covers" affixed to snap-open box
The Beatles Apple 4XWB 101 (4XW 160 and 161)
The two tape set was packaged so that each cassette was individually
sealed with a black sticker. The inserts list other Beatles
cassettes and sport a large Capitol logo.
Wonderwall Music (G) Apple 4XT 3350
Magical Mystery Tour Capitol 4XT 2835
As always, three songs are in rechanneled stereo on this cassette
and on all reissues of it.
Yesterday and Today Capitol 4XT 2553
All the songs are in true stereo on this cassette.
Beatles Deluxe Three Pack Capitol 4X3T 358
Features Meet the Beatles, MMT, and Y & T in a 12" box.
This set was apparently planned for release in order to promote
the cassettes in 1969. For some reason, perhaps the Beatles heard
and objected, this item was withdrawn, as was the eight track issue
of the same item. Although l.p.'s exist of "three packs" for
Capitol's other artists, no known Beatles Deluxe Three Pack exists
on l.p.. The cassette is extremely rare, with fewer than three
known copies.
Second Album Capitol 4XT 2080
Something New Capitol 4XT 2108
Yellow Submarine Capitol 4XW 153
Like the second issue reel tape and the eight track, this
release is on Capitol, not Apple.
Beatles '65 Capitol 4XT 2228
Early Beatles Capitol 4XT 2309
Beatles VI Capitol 4XT 2358
Help! Capitol 4XT 2386
Electronic Sound Zapple 4XT 3357
Life With the Lions Zapple 4XT 3358
Abbey Road Apple 4XT 383
does not list "Her Majesty" on the paper label.
Wedding Album Apple 4AX 3361
12" boxed set with inserts, as the l.p. The cassette
inside is numbered 4XM 3361. The cassette can also be
found by itself, without the box.
All of the preceding Capitol/Apple tapes have paper labels
glued to the cassette shells. There are some minor differences
between those tapes made in '68 and those made in '69. In
addition, some cassettes (and eight tracks) were available
through the Capitol record club. These have additional catalog
numbers as well.
The tapes come in the standard flip-out box, similar to what
we have today, unless otherwise specified.
Live Peace In Toronto (J) Apple 4XT 3362
The cassette rests in a tray, which slides into the cover/box.
Hey Jude! Apple 4XT 385
The cassette rests in a tray, which slides into the cover/box.
This cassette was only available until 1974.
In the Beginning, Circa 1960 Polydor 4504
white shell.
McCartney (P) Apple 4XT 3363
The cassette rests in a tray, which slides into the cover/box.
Let It Be Apple ART 2001
The cassette rests in a tray, which slides into the cover/box.
All Capitol/Apple cassettes featured paper labels until after the release
of the Concert For Bangla Desh. From about that time onward, the cassette
shells were tan or white, and the Capitol/Apple logo appeared directly on
the cassette shell. Like the 8 track, the cassette carried a warrenty
until 1975. For a time in 1977, paper labels were used again, sparsely,
but these do not resemble the originals. The round logo appears on
cassettes until 1977, being replaced by the dome logo afterward. From
1986 onward, the cassette shells have been clear, rather than white or
From meagre beginnings, the cassette rose to dominate the market. As
always, the Beatles were involved when Capitol introduced its new format.
Values: most original paper label cassettes of the Beatles go for ca.
$15-$25. The White Album is $35-$40. The Wedding album also falls within
that range, sometimes selling for more. The Beatles Deluxe Three Pack, a
rare item indeed, would sell for $800-$1200 if you could find a copy.